swap-studio - Prevolution Communications https://prevolution.nl/portfolio/swap-studio/

Prevolution Communications provided swap-studio with Press & Public Relations and strategic Marketing Communications advise, selecting relevant media outlets, pitching their story and securing news coverage.



swap-studio is an online marketplace platform for fashion & interior, launched in the Netherlands in 2020 and is a true start-up. The swap-studio community is all about redefining the way we (re)shop. Re-use is a lifestyle choice. Consumers can swap their pre-loved items with other users from clothing to interior pieces. Brands are empowered to build a community of customers loyal to them, while reducing their carbon footprint. Fully customisable, peer-to-peer and traceable. Swapping is the new shopping!



The question to Prevolution Communications was to introduce swap-studio in the Netherlands after launch, creating brand awareness and telling the swap-studio story.



The choice; using traditional PR tactics to raise brand awareness with print and digital media coverage. In the research phase appropriate media outlets were selected starting with the Fashion and Sustainability segments. Additionally the choise was made to position the founder(s), giving the brand a face and giving the brand a personal touch.



Two press releases were created: introducing swap-studio and the announcement of an investor. The earned media value was over €15k and increased the visibility and reach of the swap-studio community significantly. A few coverage examples:

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