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Prevolution Communications

The Game Plan

The foundation to tell your story


Spread the wor(l)d. Present your brand as a thought leader or an inspirer or in any way you see fit. We’ll compile clear content and accessible messages and deliver it accordingly.


Translating your expertise into clear and accessible messaging is just the beginning. We take the next step and help you connect with your audience in an inspiring way. We help you define, design and deliver your marketing communications strategy.


Your strategy is set and the tactics are determined. We move beyond reach and help you engage with your customers. Build relationships and encourage two-way communication. We will prepare you to be ready, monitor the situation and act fast.

Tactical Services

How we tell your story

Ready to start pouring ideas?
Let's start with coffee.


What we've done for clients

Who is Prevolution?

Hi, I'm Mareille! A Dutchy with a vibrant personality, raised in the Middle-East and based in the Netherlands near Amsterdam. Previously having roles in Pharma & Cybersecurity focusing on external communications & PR, now I run Prevolution Communications.

Together with a small team we're your partner to tell your story and make a difference with purpose driven and impactful PR and marketing communications solutions.