Malt - Prevolution Communications

Prevolution Communications provided Malt with full service Press & Public Relations across the Benelux, selecting relevant media outlets, pitching the Malt story and securing news coverage.



Malt is the leading freelance consulting marketplace in Europe. The place that connects businesses with freelancers, finding the perfect match for every project. Malt is based in Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and The Netherlands.



The question to Prevolution Communications was to raise the awareness of Malt in the Benelux, that acquired Comatch to extend its community of independent talents to business consultants and industry experts and significantly increase its
footprint in Europe.



The choice; using traditional PR tactics to raise brand awareness with print and digital media coverage. The aim is to continue building on the strengths of both companies and create value for the different client and freelancer segments.



Two press releases were created, a Dutch and French one,  introducing the acquisition and relevant market data. The media segments approached were HR and Tech. A few coverage examples: