Vrijheidsmaaltijd Den Haag - Prevolution Communications

Vrijheidsmaaltijd Den Haag

On behalf of Ensanne and fa-bricage, Prevolution Communications provided Stichting Museumkwartier Den Haag with Press & Public Relations execution, selecting relevant media outlets, pitching the Vrijheidsmaaltijd story and securing news coverage.



On May 5th, the Netherlands celebrate Liberation Day. A day to celebrate and cherish the freedom we live in and reflect on the consequences of war. In 2022 the city Den Haag participated for the first time. A unique decision as The Hague represents itself as an international city of peace and justice. On this day multiple events and gatherings are organized throughout the city, with a big lunch in the in the Museum Quarter.



The question to Prevolution Communications was to raise awareness for The Hague as a city of peace and justice and specifically the visibility of The Hague Museum Quarter as an inclusive, multi-voiced, cultural hotspot. An opportunity to educate the residents of The Hague: connecting cultures, nationalities and religions through the theme of freedom.



The choice; in a period of 1,5 months we connected multiple story angles, centering around the ‘Vrijheidsmaaltijd’ lunch event using traditional PR tactics to generate regional media coverage. Stichting Museumkwartier Den Haag collaborates with multiple foundations and local networks e.g. Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei, Bevrijdingsfesitval Den Haag and De Participatie Keuken, which were included in the messaging.



Four press releases were created: announcing The Hague’s participation, the Vrijheidsmaaltijd time-table, the soup + recipe and a follow-up of the day. It resulted in 22 pieces of coverage in the top tier newspapers and media, including a local radio interview and cultural platforms. A few coverage examples:


  • Segment Newspapers – Announcing the event –  AD.nl
  • Segment Newspapers – Announcing the event – nu.nl
  • Segment Radio – Time-table – DenHaag FM