fritz-kola - Prevolution Communications

Prevolution Communications provides fritz-kola with Marketing Communications and PR support, to grow brand awareness in local markets.



fritz-kola was founded in 2003 in Hamburg when childhood friends Mirco Wiegert and Lorenz Hampl, decided to launch a new kola with 7,000 euros of start-up capital and a lot of determination. A better, nicer and more responsible kola than the existing colas from the big companies. “Dass machen wir besser!” they promise each other. An agreement that they subsequently keep twice over. Starting locally, first the German public captures fritz-kola in their hearts. Meanwhile, fritz-kola soft drinks are flying over the counter in other European countries, including the Netherlands.



The question to Prevolution Communications is to build brand awareness in the Dutch (2022) and Belgian (2023) market. Key focus areas are the sustainable character of the brand and their opinionated approach to social-economic topics.



The choice; using traditional PR tactics and advertorials to raise brand awareness with print and digital media coverage, aligned with the global strategy. Essential responsibilities are to inspire and engage the fritz-kola audience, by targeting key media outlets. The fritz-story is told by the contributing PR and marketing communications activities.



In 2022 one Dutch advertorial and 11 pieces of press coverage were published that lead to 1 interview with Mirco with Wolf Wiegert, which got published in January 2023. The media coverage is supporting the brand visibility. A few coverage examples: